soon, near, special, and obey
Sour Grapes
JoinedPosts by Sour Grapes
Take away these 4 words and JW's would be tongue tied
by Sour Grapes insoon, near, special, and obey.
4 generations and Jehovah's protection
by Sour Grapes ini saw a news article on line last week of a family portrait.
there were 4 individuals in the.
Sour Grapes
I saw a news article on line last week of a family portrait. There were 4 individuals in the
picture. An old great grandmother, a grandmother, a mother and a baby girl.
The caption said "4 generations". The caption shoud have read "2 over lapping
generations" I guess the news papers don't keep us with the true meaning of
a generation.
An elder gave a talk several weeks ago and he talked about the recent terrible
tornadoes in Oklahoma City and due to Jehovah's protection not one witness was
killed. No mentioned was made about the number of people who were killed or
injured. I guess when a witness out in service or going to an assembly gets killed
in an accident that they did not have Jehovah's protection and that in Satan's system
time and unforeseen occurances effect everyone.
All of these things just makes me Sour Grapes.
WT Society holds EXTREME Responsibility for 1975 and False Expectations
by flipper inhowever- many jw's who have come into the jw organization from like 1985 forward virtually may have no knowledge of the wt society's 1975 debacle and false predictions of the end times or armageddon predictions.
just like in in the book 1984 by george orwell the wt society has a way of not only erasing it's history so no newer witnesses will be aware of their false predictions, but also they are re-writing their history as if those false predictions never happened.. so for those of you here who may have never read or heard of how whipped up into an emotional frenzy witnesses were in the years just before 1975 by the wt society claiming the end was any day now- this threads for you.
to see the pressure that was put on jw's by the wt society to get rid of everything before " armageddon " .
Sour Grapes
Flipper, I think that it is nice how you respond to those who write on your thread. Sour Graps
WT Society holds EXTREME Responsibility for 1975 and False Expectations
by flipper inhowever- many jw's who have come into the jw organization from like 1985 forward virtually may have no knowledge of the wt society's 1975 debacle and false predictions of the end times or armageddon predictions.
just like in in the book 1984 by george orwell the wt society has a way of not only erasing it's history so no newer witnesses will be aware of their false predictions, but also they are re-writing their history as if those false predictions never happened.. so for those of you here who may have never read or heard of how whipped up into an emotional frenzy witnesses were in the years just before 1975 by the wt society claiming the end was any day now- this threads for you.
to see the pressure that was put on jw's by the wt society to get rid of everything before " armageddon " .
WT Society holds EXTREME Responsibility for 1975 and False Expectations
by flipper inhowever- many jw's who have come into the jw organization from like 1985 forward virtually may have no knowledge of the wt society's 1975 debacle and false predictions of the end times or armageddon predictions.
just like in in the book 1984 by george orwell the wt society has a way of not only erasing it's history so no newer witnesses will be aware of their false predictions, but also they are re-writing their history as if those false predictions never happened.. so for those of you here who may have never read or heard of how whipped up into an emotional frenzy witnesses were in the years just before 1975 by the wt society claiming the end was any day now- this threads for you.
to see the pressure that was put on jw's by the wt society to get rid of everything before " armageddon " .
Sour Grapes
Nice topic Flipper. I used to say "stay alive till 75." I had a
demo in a circuit assembly 43 years ago, where a couple of us
acted like we just came thru the Great Tribulation and we had put some
talcum powder on our bluejeans and shirts back stage and as we walked onto
the stage we hit our jeans and shirt to make the powder fly like it was dust
on our clothes that was a result of all of the blessed destruction that
we came thru but we made it!
We used to have big signs at our assemblies on the stage "65 months"
the next assebly "59 months." It is so sad that so many Witnesses
say that we were just overzealous and the WT had nothing to do
with it.
Sour Grapes
Who are considered as being wicked by JW's?
by Sour Grapes induring the public talk last week the elder giving the talk.
mentioned the tragedy in newton, conn where an evil.
man killed 27 innocent people including 20 children.
Sour Grapes
During the public talk last week the elder giving the talk
mentioned the tragedy in Newton, Conn where an evil
man killed 27 innocent people including 20 children. He said
how this saddens us and we can all look forward to the day
soon when Jehovah destroys all of the wicked.
JW's say this without even considering the consequences
in this statement. JW's believe that only if you are one of
them will you survive the Great Tribulation. Which means
99% of all mankind will be killed by God. This number will
include millions of babies unde 1 year in age. So if a man
kills children he is evil, however if God kills millions of children
that is what they get for not going to the Kingdom Hall.
This just makes me Sour Grapes.
If the Borg has the Truth what are they worried about?
by Sour Grapes injw's will of course argue that they have the truth.. if that be the case, why are they terrified to talk to.
people or visit sights that expose their beliefs?.
if someone speaks the truth there should be nothing.
Sour Grapes
JW's will of course argue that they have the Truth.
If that be the case, why are they terrified to talk to
people or visit sights that expose their beliefs?
If someone speaks the truth there should be nothing
to fear with a thorough examination unless there
is a fly in the ointment.
This reminds me of something else that was an unwritten
law when I was an elder. Never ever ever make a sheparding
call on a sister without having another elder with you because
9 times out of 10 you would end up having sex with her.
So our fear and love of God was so strong, however just being in a room
by yourself with a Sister and down comes the pants and the dirty
deed is done. What will power we did not have.
Sour Grapes
How Soon is Soon?
by Sour Grapes inthe witchtower is being more careful now about putting a date.
out there for the beginning of the great tribulation.
they have learned their lesson from 1975. however they sure.
Sour Grapes
The Witchtower is being more careful now about putting a date
out there for the beginning of the Great Tribulation. I think that
they have learned their lesson from 1975. However they sure
like to throw the word "soon" around. Every meeting and almost
every prayer it is mentioned that soon God will destroy his enemies.
The meaning of this word is different to a Witness versus a non-Witness.
I saw a quote from an article in the Watchtower from 30 years ago
that said that God's kingdom would SOON usher in a paradise earth.
To a Witness it was soon then and this event is still soon. If I were to tell
my wife excitedly that I am taking her to Europe soon would she be happy
if I waited 3 years? How about 20 years? She would be upset and call be a liar.
If I told my boss at work that I was going to quit my job soon would he wait
6 months to start finding a replacement? How about 20 years? He would call me a liar.
If my wife told the elders at the KH that she was going to start pioneering soon,
would they expect her to do so in several months or wait 20 years? They would say
that she lied to them. The Watchtower should say instead of SOON, in God's due time,
sometime in the future, when God is ready, however that doesn't sound very urgent.
We are God's children. What would your child think if you told them that you will take
you to Disney World soon. What would soon mean to them? My guess is if not
this year then next year at the latest. I doubt that they would be happy if soon was
20 years later. I guess that soon does not have a starting point nor an ending
point, just an awareness that it is soon.
Sour Grapes
I grew up not fearing old age
by Sour Grapes inas a teenage jw, i grew up believing that i was not going to finish high school nor would i get old and have to die like my grandparents did.
well, i did finish high school, as did my children and my grandchildren and old age has not been kind to me.
i don't like to look at pictures from 40 years ago, from a time when i was healthy and i had the goal of "stay alive till 75.
Sour Grapes
It is amazing how many of my friends who are JW's say that
they never thought that we would still be on this side of the
GT. The die hards though will say "just think how much closer
we are now." They still honestly believe that the end is near.
I used to tell people that I studied with in the early 1970's that
if they did not serve Jehovah that they would be dead in a
few years. We all are going to die at some ppint in time so we need
to love life and live like there is no tomorrow.
Sour Grapes
I grew up not fearing old age
by Sour Grapes inas a teenage jw, i grew up believing that i was not going to finish high school nor would i get old and have to die like my grandparents did.
well, i did finish high school, as did my children and my grandchildren and old age has not been kind to me.
i don't like to look at pictures from 40 years ago, from a time when i was healthy and i had the goal of "stay alive till 75.
Sour Grapes
As a teenage JW, I grew up believing that I was not going to finish high school nor would I get old and have to die like my grandparents did. Well, I did finish high school, as did my children and my grandchildren and old age has not been kind to me. I don't like to look at pictures from 40 years ago, from a time when I was healthy and I had the goal of "stay alive till 75." The aging of the human body makes one unrecognizable even though you know it was you. I now do not fear death but I as saddened that I did not have the realization that it would happen to me. I now envy the people who went to church because because they knew that they were going to die and go to heaven, however I was not going to grow old and die. I believed in a fairy tale for most of my life and looking into the mirror in the morning I realize that I too will die like my grandparents. Sour Grapes